Obecné obchodní podmínky
Tyto obecné obchodní podmínky ("Podmínky") společnosti Evnoia Group, s.r.o., se sídlem na adrese Roháčova 145/14, 130 00 Praha 3 - Žižkov, Praha, Česká republika, registrované v obchodním rejstříku pod spisovou značkou IČO: 6700055., provozované na webových stránkách www.EvnoiaCoffee.com a www.EvnoiaGroup.com, email coffee@evnoiagroup.com, info@evnoiagroup.com, telefonní číslo +420 776 552 712 nebo +420 776 407 687 ("My" nebo "Prodávající"), upravují v souladu s § 1751 odstavec 1 zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, ve znění pozdějších předpisů ("občanský zákoník"), vzájemná práva a povinnosti Vás, jako kupujících, a Nás, jako prodávajících, vznikající v souvislosti nebo na základě kupní smlouvy ("Smlouva"), uzavřené prostřednictvím E-shopu na webových stránkách https://www.evnoiacoffee.com.
Veškeré informace o zpracování Vašich osobních údajů jsou zahrnuty v Zásadách zpracování osobních údajů, které můžete najít zde: http://www.evnoiacoffee.com/universaltermsofpersonaldataprotection/
Ustanovení těchto Podmínek jsou nedílnou součástí Smlouvy. Smlouva a Podmínky jsou vyhotoveny v anglickém jazyce. Můžeme jednostranně změnit nebo doplnit znění Podmínek. Tímto ustanovením nejsou dotčena práva a povinnosti vzniklé během účinnosti předchozího znění Podmínek.
Jak jistě víte, komunikujeme především na dálku. Pro naši Smlouvu tedy platí, že jsou použity prostředky komunikace na dálku, které nám umožňují dohodnout se spolu bez současné fyzické přítomnosti Nás a Vás, a Smlouva je tak uzavřena na dálku v prostředí E-shopu, prostřednictvím rozhraní webových stránek.
Pokud některá část Podmínek odporuje tomu, co jsme společně schválili v rámci procesu Vašeho nákupu v našem E-shopu, bude tomuto konkrétnímu dohodnutí dána přednost před Podmínkami.
Cena je peněžní částka, kterou zaplatíte za Zboží;
Poštovné je peněžní částka, kterou zaplatíte za doručení Zboží, včetně ceny jeho balení;
Celková cena je součet Ceny a poštovného;
DPH je daň z přidané hodnoty podle platných právních předpisů;
Faktura je daňový doklad vydaný v souladu s právními předpisy o dani z přidané hodnoty na Celkovou cenu;
Objednávka je Vaše neodvolatelný návrh uzavřít Kupní smlouvu o Zboží s Námi;
Uživatelský účet je účet založený na základě informací, které jste poskytli, což umožňuje uchování zadaných údajů a vedení historie objednaného Zboží a uzavřených Smluv;
Vy jste osoba nakupující v Našem E-shopu, označená právními předpisy jako kupující;
Zboží je vše, co můžete v E-shopu zakoupit.
Nákup zboží je možný pouze prostřednictvím webového rozhraní E-shopu.
Při nákupu zboží je vaší povinností nám poskytnout veškeré informace správně a pravdivě. Informace, které jste nám poskytli při objednání zboží, budou považovány za správné a pravdivé.
Smlouvu s námi je možné uzavřít pouze v anglickém jazyce.
Smlouva je uzavřena na dálku prostřednictvím E-shopu, přičemž náklady na využití prostředků dálkové komunikace hradíte vy. Tyto náklady se však neliší od základní sazby, kterou platíte za využívání těchto prostředků (tj. především za přístup k internetu), proto byste neměli očekávat žádné dodatečné náklady účtované námi mimo celkovou cenu. Odesláním objednávky souhlasíte s naším využíváním prostředků dálkové komunikace.
Pro uzavření smlouvy je nutné, abyste na E-shopu vytvořili návrh objednávky. Tento návrh musí obsahovat následující informace:
a) Informace o zakoupeném zboží (zboží, které máte zájem koupit na E-shopu, označíte kliknutím na „Přidat do košíku“);
b) Informace o ceně, ceně dopravy, způsobu platby celkové ceny a požadovaném způsobu dodání zboží; tyto informace budou zadány během vytváření návrhu objednávky v uživatelském prostředí E-shopu, přičemž informace o ceně, ceně dopravy a celkové ceně budou automaticky uvedeny na základě zboží a zvoleného způsobu dodání;
c) Vaše identifikační a kontaktní údaje nezbytné pro dodání zboží, zejména jméno, příjmení, dodací adresa, telefonní číslo a e-mailová adresa;
d) V případě smlouvy, na základě které vám budeme pravidelně a opakovaně dodávat zboží, také informace o době, po kterou vám budeme zboží dodávat.
Během vytváření návrhu objednávky lze údaje měnit a kontrolovat až do jeho vytvoření. Po provedení kontroly vytvoříte objednávku stisknutím tlačítka „Objednávka závazně k platbě“. Před stisknutím tlačítka musíte také potvrdit, že jste se seznámili a souhlasíte s těmito podmínkami; jinak nebude možné objednávku vytvořit. K potvrzení a souhlasu se používá zaškrtávací políčko. Stisknutím tlačítka „Objednávka závazně k platbě“ budou všechny vyplněné informace přímo odeslány nám.
Vaši objednávku potvrdíme co nejdříve po jejím doručení nám zasláním zprávy na vaši e-mailovou adresu uvedenou v objednávce. Potvrzení bude obsahovat souhrn objednávky a tyto podmínky. Potvrzení objednávky z naší strany vede k uzavření smlouvy mezi námi a vámi. Podmínky účinné k datu objednávky jsou nedílnou součástí smlouvy.
Můžou také nastat případy, kdy nebudeme moci vaši objednávku potvrdit. Toto se primárně týká situací, kdy zboží není dostupné, nebo případů, kdy objednáte větší množství zboží, než je námi povoleno. Informace o maximálním počtu kusů zboží budou však vždy poskytnuty předem v rámci E-shopu, proto by vás to nemělo překvapit. Pokud existuje důvod, proč nemůžeme objednávku potvrdit, budeme vás kontaktovat a zašleme vám nabídku uzavřít smlouvu v upravené formě oproti objednávce. Smlouva je pak uzavřena, když naši nabídku potvrdíte.
V případě, kdy je v E-shopu nebo v návrhu objednávky uvedena zjevně nesprávná cena, nejsme povinni vám zboží dodat za tuto cenu, i když jste obdrželi potvrzení objednávky a tudíž byla smlouva uzavřena. V takové situaci vás budeme okamžitě kontaktovat a zašleme vám nabídku uzavřít novou smlouvu v upravené formě oproti objednávce. Nová smlouva je pak uzavřena, když naši nabídku potvrdíte. Pokud naši nabídku nepotvrdíte do 3 dnů od jejího odeslání, jsme oprávněni od uzavřené smlouvy odstoupit. Za zjevnou chybu v ceně se považuje například situace, kdy cena neodpovídá běžné ceně u jiných prodejců, nebo chybí nebo je přebývající číslice.
V případě uzavření smlouvy jste povinni zaplatit celkovou cenu.
Pokud máte uživatelský účet, můžete objednávku vytvořit prostřednictvím něj. I v tomto případě máte však povinnost zkontrolovat přesnost, pravdivost a úplnost předvyplněných údajů. Způsob vytvoření objednávky je však totožný s případem kupujícího bez uživatelského účtu, výhodou je však, že není nutné opakovaně vyplňovat vaše identifikační údaje.
V některých případech umožňujeme na nákup zboží uplatnit slevu. Pro získání slevy je nutné vyplnit údaje o slevě v předem určeném poli v rámci návrhu objednávky. Pokud tak učiníte, bude zboží poskytnuto se slevou.
Based on your registration within the E-shop, you can access your User Account.
When registering a User Account, it is your responsibility to provide all the information correctly and truthfully and update it in case of any changes.
Access to the User Account is secured with a username and password. Concerning these access details, it is your responsibility to maintain confidentiality and not provide these details to anyone. If there is any misuse of them, we bear no responsibility.
The User Account is personal, and you are therefore not authorized to allow its use by third parties.
We can cancel your User Account, especially in cases where it is not used for more than 5 years, or in case you violate your obligations under the Contract.
The User Account may not be continuously available, especially considering the necessary maintenance of hardware and software equipment.
The price is always indicated within the E-shop, in the Order proposal, and of course, in the Contract. In case of a discrepancy between the Price listed with the Goods within the E-shop and the Price stated in the Order proposal, the Price mentioned in the Order proposal will apply, which will always be identical to the price in the Contract. The Order proposal also includes the Price for shipping, or the conditions when shipping is free.
The total price is listed including VAT and all fees set by law.
We will require the payment of the Total price after the conclusion of the Contract and before the delivery of the Goods. You can make the payment of the Total price by the following methods:
a) By bank transfer. Information for making the payment will be sent to you as part of the Order confirmation. In the case of payment by bank transfer, the Total price is due within the next 7 working days.
b) Online by card. In this case, the payment takes place through the payment gateway, where the payment is subject to the conditions of this payment gateway, which are available at: [TO BE COMPLETED]. In the case of online card payment, the Total price is due by 7 working days.
c) Cash on delivery. In this case, payment will be made upon delivery of the Goods against the handing over of the Goods. In the case of cash on delivery payment, the Total price is payable upon receipt of the Goods.
d) Cash during personal collection. Cash can be used to pay for Goods in case of collection at Our establishment. In the case of cash payment during personal collection, the Total price is payable upon receipt of the Goods.
The invoice will be issued in electronic form after the payment of the Total price and will be sent to Your email address. The invoice will also be physically attached to the Goods and available in the User account.
Ownership of the Goods is transferred to You only after you pay the Total price and take over the Goods. In the case of payment by bank transfer, the Total price is paid by crediting to Our account, in other cases, it is paid at the moment of payment execution.
- The Goods will be delivered to You in the manner of Your choice, where you can choose from the following options:
a) Personal collection at Our establishment listed in the list of operations;
b) Personal collection at the pick-up points of Zásilkovna, Uloženka;
c) Delivery via shipping companies Česká pošta, PPL CZ, DHL, Zásilkovna;
Goods can only be delivered within the Czech Republic.
The delivery time of the Goods always depends on its availability and the chosen method of delivery and payment. The expected delivery time of the Goods will be communicated to You in the Order confirmation. The time stated on the E-shop is only indicative and may differ from the actual delivery time. In the case of personal collection at the establishment, You will always be informed about the possibility of picking up the Goods via email.
After receiving the Goods from the carrier, it is Your obligation to check the integrity of the Goods’ packaging, and in case of any defects, immediately report this fact to the carrier and Us. If there is a defect in the packaging that indicates unauthorized manipulation and entry into the shipment, it is not Your obligation to accept the Goods from the carrier.
If You violate Your obligation to accept the Goods, except in cases under Art. VI.4. Conditions, it does not result in the violation of Our obligation to deliver the Goods to You. Also, the fact that You did not take over the Goods is not a withdrawal from the Contract between Us and You. However, in this case, We have the right to withdraw from the Contract due to Your substantial breach of the Contract. If We decide to exercise this right, the withdrawal is effective on the day We deliver this withdrawal to You. Withdrawal from the Contract does not affect the claim for payment of the Price for transport, or the claim for damages, if any, incurred.
If, for reasons on Your part, the Goods are delivered repeatedly or in a different way than agreed in the Contract, it is Your obligation to reimburse Us for the costs associated with this repeated delivery. Payment details for paying these costs will be sent to Your email address stated in the Contract and are due 14 days after the delivery of the email.
The risk of damage to the Goods is transferred to You at the moment You take it over. In case You do not take over the Goods, except in cases under Art. VI.4. Conditions, the risk of damage to the Goods is transferred to You at the moment when You had the opportunity to take it over, but for reasons on Your part, it was not taken over. The transfer of the risk of damage to the Goods means that from this moment, You bear all consequences associated with the loss, destruction, damage, or any devaluation of the Goods.
In case the Goods were not listed as in stock in the E-shop, and an indicative availability time was provided, We will always inform You in the case of:
a) extraordinary interruption of the Goods’ production, where We will always communicate the new expected availability time or information that it will not be possible to deliver the Goods;
b) delays in delivering the Goods from Our supplier, where We will always communicate the new expected delivery time.
- In case We are not able to deliver the Goods to You even within 30 days from the expiration of the delivery time of the Goods stated in the Order confirmation, for any reason, both We and You are entitled to withdraw from the Contract.
- We guarantee that at the time of the risk of damage passing to the Goods as per Art. VI.7 of the Terms, the Goods are without defects, particularly that:
a) they have the characteristics that we have agreed upon with you, and if they were not expressly agreed upon, then those that we have listed in the description of the Goods, or those that can be expected given the nature of the Goods;
b) they are suitable for the purposes that we have listed or for the purposes that are usual for Goods of this type;
c) they match the quality or execution of the agreed sample if the quality or execution was determined by the sample;
d) they are in the corresponding quantity and weight;
e) they meet the requirements set by legal regulations;
f) they are not burdened by the rights of third parties.
Rights and obligations concerning rights from defective performance are governed by the relevant generally binding legal regulations (especially provisions § 1914 to 1925, § 2099 to 2117 and § 2161 to 2174 of the Civil Code and the law No. 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection, as amended).
In case the Goods have a defect, especially if any of the conditions according to Art. VII.1 are not met, you can notify us of such a defect and claim rights from defective performance (i.e., claim the Goods) by sending an email or letter to our addresses listed in our contact details. For the claim, you can also use the sample form provided by us, which is Annex No. 1 of the Terms. When claiming rights from defective performance, you need to choose how you want the defect resolved, and you cannot subsequently change this choice, except in cases according to Art. 7.4, without our consent. We will handle the claim in accordance with the right from defective performance that you have asserted. If you do not choose a solution to the defect, you have the rights stated in Art. 7.5 also in situations where defective performance was a material breach of the Contract.
If the defective performance is a substantial breach of the Contract, you have the following rights:
a) to remove the defect by delivering new Goods without defects, or by delivering the missing part of the Goods;
b) to remove the defect by repairing the Goods;
c) to a reasonable discount on the Price;
d) to withdraw from the Contract.
In case you choose a solution according to points a) or b) and we do not remove the defect this way within a reasonable period, which we have stated, or we inform you that we will not remove the defect this way at all, you have the rights according to points c) and d), even if you did not originally request them during the claim. Also, if you choose to remove the defect by repairing the Goods and we find that the defect is irreparable, we will inform you, and you can choose another way to remove the defect.
- If the defective performance is a minor breach of the Contract, you have the following rights:
a) to remove the defect by delivering new Goods without defects, or by delivering the missing part of the Goods;
b) to remove the defect by repairing the Goods;
c) to a reasonable discount on the Price.
However, if we do not remove the defect in time or refuse to remove the defect, you have the right to withdraw from the Contract. You can also withdraw in case you cannot properly use the Goods due to the recurring occurrence of defects after the repair of the Goods or due to a higher number of defects of the Goods.
- In case of both substantial and minor breaches, you cannot withdraw from the Contract, nor request the delivery of new items, if you cannot return the Goods in the condition in which you received them. This does not apply in the following cases:
a) if there was a change in the condition of the Goods as a result of an inspection to determine the defect;
b) if the Goods were used before the discovery of the defect;
c) if the impossibility of returning the Goods in an unchanged condition was not caused by your actions or your neglect,
d) if there was a sale, consumption, or modification of the Goods in the usual use before the discovery of the defect by you; however, if this only happened partially, it is your obligation to return that part of the Goods that can be returned, and in such a case, the part of the Price corresponding to your benefit from the use of part of the Goods will not be returned to you.
Within 3 days of receiving the claim, we will confirm to your email address that we have received the claim when we received it, and the expected duration of the claim handling. We will handle the claim without unnecessary delay, but no later than 30 days after its receipt. The deadline may be extended by mutual agreement. If the deadline expires in vain, you can withdraw from the Contract.
We will inform you about the handling of the claim by email. If the claim is justified, you are entitled to compensation for reasonably incurred costs. You are required to prove these costs, for example, by receipts or confirmations of the price for transport. In case the defect was removed by delivering new Goods, it is your obligation to return the original Goods to us, but we will bear the costs of this return.
In case you are a business entity, it is your obligation to report and point out the defect without unnecessary delay after you have discovered it, but no later than three days from the receipt of the Goods.
If you are a consumer, you have the right to claim rights from defective performance for a defect that occurs in consumer Goods within a period of 24 months from the receipt of the Goods.
Provisions concerning the right from defects do not apply in case of:
a) Goods sold for a lower Price, for a defect for which a lower Price was agreed;
b) wear and tear of the Goods caused by their usual use;
c) used Goods to a defect corresponding to the degree of use or wear that the Goods had when you received them;
d) when it results from the nature of the Goods.
Withdrawal from the Contract, meaning the termination of the contractual relationship between Us and You from its inception, may occur for reasons and in ways specified in this article, or in other provisions of the Terms where the possibility of withdrawal is explicitly stated.
If you are a consumer, i.e., a person buying Goods outside the scope of their business activities, you have the right, in accordance with the provisions of §1829 of the Civil Code, to withdraw from the Contract without giving a reason within 14 days from the date of delivery of the Goods. If we have concluded a Contract which includes various types of Goods or the delivery of several parts of Goods, this period begins on the day of the last part of the Goods delivery, and in the case that we have concluded a Contract on the basis of which Goods will be delivered to you regularly and repeatedly, it starts on the day of the first delivery. You can withdraw from the Contract in any verifiable manner (especially by sending an email or letter to The addresses listed in Our identification details). You can also use the sample form provided by Us, which is Appendix no. 2 of the Terms.
Even as a consumer, however, you cannot withdraw from the Contract in cases where the subject of the Contract is:
a) Goods whose Price depends on fluctuations in the financial market independent of Our will and may occur during the withdrawal period;
b) delivery of alcoholic beverages, which can be delivered only after thirty days, and their Price depends on fluctuations in the financial market independent of Our will;
c) Goods modified according to your wishes or for your person;
d) Goods subject to rapid deterioration and Goods that were irreversibly mixed with others after delivery;
e) Goods in closed packaging, which was removed from the package and for hygienic reasons, it is not possible to return;
f) delivery of audio or video recordings or computer software, if the original packaging was violated;
g) delivery of newspapers, periodicals, or magazines;
h) delivery of digital content if it was not delivered on a tangible medium and was delivered with your prior explicit consent before the expiry of the withdrawal period and We informed you that you do not have the right to withdraw from the Contract.
The withdrawal period according to Article VIII.2 of the Terms is considered kept if you send us a notification that you are withdrawing from the Contract during this period.
In case of withdrawal from the Contract, the Price will be refunded within 14 days from the date of effective withdrawal to the account from which it was credited, or to the account chosen for the withdrawal from the Contract. However, the amount will not be returned before you return the Goods to Us or prove that they were sent back to Us. Please return the Goods to Us clean, possibly including the original packaging.
In case of withdrawal from the Contract according to Article VIII.2 of the Terms, you are obliged to send the Goods to Us within 14 days from the withdrawal and bear the costs associated with returning the goods to Us. On the other hand, you are entitled to have Us refund the Price of transport, but only up to the amount corresponding to the cheapest offered delivery method of the Goods that we offered. In case of withdrawal due to Our breach of the concluded Contract, we also pay the costs associated with returning the goods to Us, but again only up to the Price of transport corresponding to the cheapest delivery method of the Goods that we offered during the delivery.
You are liable for damage to Us in cases where the Goods are damaged as a result of handling them in a way that is necessary to handle them concerning their nature and properties. The caused damage will be invoiced to you after the Goods are returned to Us, and the due date of the invoiced amount is 14 days. If we have not yet returned the Price, we are entitled to set off the claim for costs against your claim for a refund of the Price.
We are entitled to withdraw from the Contract at any time before delivering the Goods to you if there are objective reasons why the Goods cannot be delivered (especially reasons on the part of third parties or reasons related to the nature of the Goods), even before the expiry of the period stated in Article VI.9. Terms. We can also withdraw from the Contract if it is evident that you intentionally provided incorrect information in the Order. If you buy goods as part of your business activities, i.e., as an entrepreneur, we are entitled to withdraw from the Contract at any time, even without giving a reason.
We are not bound by any codes of conduct in relation to the buyers as per the provisions of § 1826 paragraph 1 letter e) of the Civil Code.
We handle consumer complaints via the email address coffee@evnoiagroup.com. Information about the resolution of the complaint will be sent to the buyer's email address.
The Czech Trade Inspection Authority, located at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, ID: 000 20 869, website: http://www.coi.cz, is competent for the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes arising from the Contract. The platform for online dispute resolution found at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr can be used for resolving disputes between the seller and the consumer buyer from the sales contract concluded electronically.
The European Consumer Centre Czech Republic, located at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, website: http://www.evropskyspotrebitel.cz, is the contact point according to the Regulation of the European Parliament and Council (EU) No. 524/2013 of 21 May 2013 on online consumer dispute resolution and amending Regulation (EC) No. 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (regulation on online consumer dispute resolution).
If our and your legal relationship contains an international element (e.g., if we will be sending goods outside the territory of the Czech Republic), the relationship will always be governed by Czech law. However, if you are consumers, this agreement does not affect your rights arising from legal regulations.
All written correspondence will be delivered to you via email. Our email address is stated in our identification details. We will deliver correspondence to your email address specified in the Contract, User Account, or through which you contacted us.
The contract can only be amended based on our written agreement. However, we are entitled to change and supplement these Terms, but this change will not affect already concluded Contracts, only Contracts that will be concluded after the effectiveness of this change. We will inform you about the change only if you have a created User Account (so that you have this information in case you order new Goods, but the change does not establish a right of termination as we do not have a concluded Contract that could be terminated), or we are to deliver Goods to you regularly and repeatedly based on the Contract. Information about the change will be sent to your email address at least 14 days before the effectiveness of this change. If we do not receive a termination of the concluded Contract for regular and repeated delivery of Goods from you within 14 days of sending the information about the change, the new conditions become part of our Contract and apply to the next delivery of Goods following the effectiveness of the change. The notice period, in case you give notice, is 2 months.
In case of force majeure or unpredictable events (natural disaster, pandemic, operational failures, supplier outages, etc.), we are not responsible for damage caused in connection with or due to cases of force majeure, and if the state of force majeure lasts longer than 10 days, both we and you have the right to withdraw from the Contract.
Annexed to the Terms is a sample complaint form and a sample contract withdrawal form.
The Contract, including the Terms, is archived in electronic form by us but is not accessible to you. However, you will always receive these Terms and the Order confirmation with the Order summary by email, and therefore you will always have access to the Contract without our involvement. We always recommend saving the Order confirmation and Terms.
These Terms come into effect on the 1st of November 2023.
Filling a complaint
Name and surname:
Date of Contract conclusion: |
Name and surname: |
Adress: |
E-mail address: |
Goods being complained about: |
Description of Goods's defects: |
Proposed method for handling the complaint, or providing a bank account number for a discount: |
I also request a confirmation of the complaint filing, stating when I exercised this right, what is the content of the complaint along with my claim, including the date and method of complaint resolution.
Recipient: Evnoia Group, s.r. o.
I hereby declare that I am withdrawing from the Contract:
Date of Contract conclusion: |
Name and surname: |
Address: |
Email address: |
Specification of the Goods subject to the Contract: |
Method for returning the received funds, or providing a bank account number: |
If the buyer is a consumer, they have the right, in the event that they ordered goods through the company’s e-shop [TO BE COMPLETED] ("Company") or another remote communication means, apart from the cases specified in § 1837 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended, to withdraw from the already concluded purchase contract within 14 days from the date of goods receipt, without giving any reason and without any penalty. The buyer will notify this withdrawal to the Company in writing to the Company's operating address or electronically to the email specified on the sample form.
If the buyer, who is a consumer, withdraws from the purchase contract, they should send or hand over to the Company without undue delay, no later than 14 days from the withdrawal of the purchase contract, the goods that they received.
If the buyer, who is a consumer, withdraws from the purchase contract, the Company will return, without undue delay, no later than 14 days from the withdrawal of the purchase contract, all monetary funds (the purchase price of the delivered goods) including delivery costs received from him based on the purchase contract, in the same manner. If the buyer chose a different, more expensive method of goods delivery than the cheapest one offered by the Company, the Company will return to the buyer the delivery costs of the goods only in the amount corresponding to the cheapest offered method of goods delivery. The Company is not obliged to return the received monetary funds to the buyer before the buyer hands over the goods or proves that they sent the goods to the Company.